Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Leibster Blog Award

I would like to thank my peers for nominating me for this.  I was given two sets of questions by two different people: Karl's blog (Post-College Musings) and Xavier's blog (Working Title).  Both are excellent and worth checking out.  I will only do one set of 11 things about myself and will do both sets of questions.

11 Facts About Me:
- I used to work at a radio station in New York City
- My favorite food id my grandmother's chicken parmigiana
- I always have and still want a race car bed for my room
- No women are allowed at my family's hunting cabin during hunting season (Boy's Club)
- I almost transferred out of Gettysburg College in between my junior and senior years
- The face masks on batting helmets used for the Water-Oak Little League are named after me (Marzella Masks)
- I wear size 10.5 shoes
- I once bent the same wheel on my bicycle twice in one week
- I once drank Coke mixed with Tabasco sauce for $5
- I was the best man at my uncle's wedding and I lost his new wife's ring in the lining of my tuxedo
- I find football and baseball boring unless I'm actually at the game

Karl's Questions (Because he asked first, Xavier.  Sorry):

1. What artist/band has affected your life the most?
I would have to say The Who.  Simply because they were my first rock concert and I was obsessed with them for years.  I own every album they've ever released and still buy bootlegs of them all the time.

2. What is your dream job?
Easy.  I'd love to be a writer/performer on Saturday Night Live.  My second choice would be to write for Rolling Stone Magazine, and maybe restore it to its former glory.

3. What are two truths and a lie about you?
My favorite president is John F. Kennedy.  I wish my parents had signed me up for hockey as a kid.  I play the drums.

4. Why do you blog?
It's therapeutic for me.  I can write about my problems and triumphs.  I can write about what I'm passionate about.  It helps me deal with stress.

5. Until what age do you wanna live?
I just want to be old enough to see my grandchildren graduate college.  If I don't have grandchildren, just kill me when my health starts to deteriorate.

6. What does your dream home look like?
Two floors and a finished basement.  The basement would be divided in half.  One side would be my music studio and the other would be a den-type area.  I would have an office where I would keep all of my music memorabilia, as well as my records and sound equipment.  Those are the only two must haves in my dream home.  I'd let the wife take care of the rest.

7. What's your favorite sport and why?
Wrestling.  I wrestled in high school and miss it every day.

8. If you could visit one place for a day, what place would that be?London.  And I'd try to make the most of it.

9. What would you do if you had a million dollars?
Pay off my student loans, buy a 1969 Plymouth Road Runner, buy my dream house, and invest what was left.

10. What is your biggest weakness?

11. Why did the chicken cross the road?
To show the possum it could be done.

Xavier's Questions:
1. What was the first thing you thought about this morning?I hope my physical goes well.

2. How many times today did you look at your phone around company? Be honest
I wasn't allowed to have my phone on me for most of the day, so I'm going to say 4 times tops.

3. What did you do today that was of note?
I took my military physical and got my fingerprints scanned.

4.What were you up to this weekend? Where was my invite?
I went with my dad and sister on Saturday to the mall.  I didn't think you'd want to come.

5. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
252 licks according to Purdue University

6. Who are your biggest role models? Fictional or real?
My uncle Gene is a pretty big role model for me.  He has everything that I want in life: a great family, an nice house, a good job, and a great sense of humor.

7. If a tree falls and no one’s around to hear it, does it contribute to deforestation?

8. (Stealing this from Karl) What’s your biggest weakness?
Same answer: Kryptonite.

9. What’s your deepest darkest secret that you’d never post online?
I have an ugly scar on my butt from a cyst removal.

10. Proudest moment?
When I won a third place trophy at the New Milford wrestling tournament.

11. Weirdest habit?
I talk too much.  That's a habit, right?

I'm also supposed to include 11 questions of my own for anyone reading this...
- Who's your favorite writer?
- What's your favorite movie and why?
- If you had two weeks to live, how would you spend them?
- Outie or Innie?
- Cake or Pie?
- Who's the one person that means the most to you?  If you can't pick just one, pick a few.
- What's something you do to cope with sadness?
- What's something you do when you're feeling happy?
- Where do/did you go to school and why did you pick there?  If you didn't go to school, why not?
- If you were offered a million dollars to kill someone, and it was guaranteed that no one but you would ever know, would you do it?
- It's 2013.  Where are the hoverboards?

I don't know any blogs other than those mentioned, so I'm sorry I can't contribute to that one.  But if you happen to come across this, please respond to the questions I posted.

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