Thursday, September 6, 2012

Off to a slow start

My previous blog tanked when I realized that I didn't want to complain about things so much anymore. I am now going to use my blog as a creative outlet for poems and short stories that I'm working on.  It seems easy to digitally publish things and I feel that people might actually wish to read some of my stuff.

First, let me tell you a little about myself.  I just graduated from a small liberal arts college in Bumblefuck, Pennsylvania and the only thing I really want to do with my life at this point is go to grad school for an MFA in Creative Writing.  In fact, I'm writing this post from my uncle's living room in Virginia.  I'm staying with him while I visit some schools.  It's nice to have family in an area that's generally close to some of the schools I wanted to visit.

I'm from up north and, while I live not too far away from Boston or New York City, I am bored with living up there.  I'm just looking for something completely different.  I went to a small Division III liberal arts school just north of the Mason-Dixon line.  Now, I'm looking for a large university with a Division I sports team and a hell of a good MFA program in the south.  I feel like I may have missed out on part of the "college experience" attending the school I did.

Don't get me wrong.  I loved my school.  I played rugby, had some good friends, my writing professors were awesome, and I treasured every moment of my senior year.  Now, I'm just looking for something different.

Hopefully, this blog will be a good outlet for my "creativity."  I'm a songwriter, too, so, in addition to my short story fragments and poetry, I may post some song lyrics on here from time to time.  Hopefully, people will like it, and if they don't, oh well.  I take criticism pretty well.  Or at least I'd like to think so.